VLAN organization

VLAN management in automatic mode.

Management of virtual VLAN networks in automatic mode is available through the personal account of the UA-IX Participant on the website ix.net.ua

To access these functions, the UA-IX Participant must:

  • log in on the website ix.net.ua (the Participant can get the password from the UA-IX Administration secretary@ix.net.ua);

  • go to personal account;

  • select the required option from the list;

  • set the necessary parameters;

  • get confirmation of the creation of a VLAN from another Participant.

Creation of a VLAN occurs automatically after confirmation of the request by another Participant.

Pricing begins after confirmation by another Participant, the pricing interval is 1 month.


VLAN management in manual mode.

Organization of VLAN can also be done in manual mode. For this, the Participant submits an application to the e-mail address noc@ix.net.ua, in which he indicates:

  • VLAN number;

  • The member with which the VLAN will be organized.

DC «UA-IX» will organize the VLAN after receiving confirmation of the need to build this connection from another Participant.


The service is provided by signing an additional agreement.


Tariffs for organizing a virtual connection based on VLAN technology:

  Service Cost of using UA-IX services, Euro
1. Organization of one virtual connection based on VLAN technology 3,00
2. Using the service of one virtual connection based on VLAN technology in one month 3,00


Rates are quoted in Euro including all taxes and fees according to the current legislation of Ukraine.