UA-IX, in partnership with Hiiload Systems LLC, launches DDOS counteraction service



The service will be provided by Hyload Systems LLC to UA-IX members using an automated VLAN control system.

There are several levels of service for UA-IX Operators / Providers:

1. "Active +":

  •     Provides: IP transit (Ukraine + World) and filtering UDP-flood + SYN-flood, ICMP-flood; without the need to build a GRE and increase the delay;
  •     Filtering begins immediately with the sensor signal set to the Participant, a delay time of 1-5 seconds;
  •     Cost: Contractual Participant with Hiload Systems LLC.


2. "Active":

  •     Provides IP transit (Ukraine + World) and filtering UDP-flood + SYN-flood, ICMP-flood; without the need to build a GRE and increase the delay;
  •     Filtering is managed by the Member, directing traffic through the filters of Hiload Systems LLC by announcing its networks;


3. "Semi-active":

  •     Provides preliminary conclusion of the contract with Hiload Systems LLC with the raising of BGP-session via vlan in UA-IX;
  •     In case of DDOS-attack, the Participant reports on line 24/7 of “Hiiload Systems” LLC and receives a service with a minimum tariff within 3 hours.


4. Standby mode (without prepayment):

  •     In case of DDOS attack, the Participant builds a vlan in UA-IX in automatic mode (confirmation by admin of Hiload Systems Ltd. 24/7), raises BGP-session, the parties make changes to RIPE, after which the Participant receives a service with minimal tariffing.

For UA-IX Members - site / host owners the following service is offered:

  •     Layer7 cloud filtering according to the frontend / backend scheme.
  •     Additional terms: After agreeing the parameters, the Participant changes the IP in the A-records of the site to the address provided by LLC "Hyload Systems".


Contact representatives of Hiload Systems LLC:

  •     for conclusion of contracts / receipt of bills: Natalia +380 68 594 7122
  •     for coordination of connection parameters: +380 68 420 0111; +380 95 420 0111


In order to use the automated VLAN control system, the UA-IX Member must use a personal account at

The password can be obtained from the UA-IX Administration at